Only £19.95

What is Linear Lend?

Linear Lend is a revolutionary online platform designed to empower individuals with a comprehensive understanding of their financial health. By subscribing to Linear Lend’s credit check facility, customers gain access to a wide range of essential tools and insights, including their credit score, credit history, and various aspects of their credit profile. 

With its user-friendly interface and reliable data sources, Linear Lend enables users to make informed decisions about their finances, identify areas for improvement, and take proactive steps towards achieving their financial goals. Whether you’re planning to apply for a loan, monitor your creditworthiness, or simply stay on top of your financial well-being, Linear Lend provides the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate the world of credit with confidence.

How do I improve my credit score?

1. Get a Copy of Your Credit Reports via Linear Lend

2. Dispute Credit Report Errors

3. Avoid New Credit Card Purchases

4. Pay off Past-Due Balances

5. Avoid New Credit Card Applications

6. Do not apply for too much new credit.

7. Learn the legal steps you must take to improve your credit report


Check out our customers success stories

I never knew how to improve my credit score. But once I'd signed up with Linear Lend, I was able to improve my score, therefore allowing me access to new lower rate balance transfer credit cards to help

While saving for my first apartment, I used Linear Lend. It enabled me to increase my credit rating to make sure I was getting the best possible interest rate on my mortgage

As someone who changes cars very frequently, Linear Lend has given my credit score the boost it needed to make sure i paid as little interest as possible on finance offers.

With the excellent service Linear Lend supplied, I was able to have a dream wedding and honeymoon, we had an unforgettable day

Why Linear Lend?

Happy Customers

Join Thousands of happy customers who have used Linear Lend to help improve their credit score

Manage your Credit Score and Report

See your report updated daily and see what’s making it rise and fall

Correct Errors

Use Linear Lend to identify anything unusual on your credit report and have it corrected

Financial Blog

Take advantage of the Linear Lend blog where you can find hundreds of money saving hints and tips


Access your report and use it as a guide and insight into managing your finances and overcoming problems you might be facing

24/7 Monitoring

You have 24/7 access to your report. So you can keep on top of changes and prevent fraud and risk of identity theft!

Bank-grade security

Your data stored with LinearLend is secured using AES 256-bit end-to-end encryption.

Read only access

We only ever have read access to your banking and financial transaction data. LinearLend cannot access or move your money.